Thursday, July 17, 2008


People deal with the stress from our upheaval in many different ways. I, not being a professional, take my cues from those professionals whom I work with, and they are many. I have experienced some of others' stress firsthand, and have graciously walked away from a conversation when needed. Sometimes this works best. I have counseled with EAP in the past for personal problems and strongly recommend anyone who is having difficulty either at work or at home in dealing with what we're experiencing now to seek out the EAP staff. You'll be glad you did.

Many staff now never experienced the crowded conditions that we worked under at the old building, the Art Museum to most of you. We were cramped, but we were very close. We actually socialized outside of work, had picnics, parties. It was a great time for the library, we all looked forward to our new building, but were content with the conditions we had then until something better came along. When we moved to the "new building" we were separated so much that groups formed, and did not co-exist and share as they once did. These groups still exist today, and the comaraderie was gone. There were many of us who missed this, but it was all part of progress and the new building. New people came, and the past was forgotten.

Now, we're once again in crowded conditions that may take a while to resolve. Let's impress our co-workers like they have impressed the other departments in the city with their professionalism. Some of us need you to set examples for us to follow. Let's show these new people how well we can cope with the changes set before us this time around for a "new building".

Don't let the past be forgotten. Sometimes it's helpful in redirecting the future.

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